Annual general meeting

Annual general meeting

Call for nominations

You have from September 16 to
october 28, 2024

Download the form [In French]

Holding of the meeting

The annual general meeting of shareholders must be held within the four months following the end of fiscal year to December 31. In addition to presenting  a summary of activities and a projection of those to come, the purpose of the meeting is to receive and consider the financial statements and independent auditor’s report, elect three directors, appoint the independent auditor, and consider any business that may properly be brought before the meeting.

At the meeting in 2025, Bylaw 2024-1 will be submitted for ratification, amending  CRCD Bylaw, in particular the qualification criteria of a director.

Each shareholder receives a notice of meeting accompanied by the summary of the audited financial statements as at December 31. He may also view and obtain free copies of the full financial reports.

Election to the board of directors

Each year, the shareholders elect three directors for a one-year term, or until a successor is elected or appointed.

Applications must be received by CRCD no later than Monday, October 28, 2024, at 3 p.m. If there are more than three nominees, a secret ballot will be held. Incumbents are eligible for re-election each year.

Call for nominations

All interested nominees must complete the nomination form (In French) and send it to, no later than 3 p.m. on October 28, 2024. The form must be accompanied by a professional photo in portrait format.

By submitting a nomination form, shareholders authorize CRCD to carry out security and credit checks on them and verify their civil, criminel and penal records. Outgoing board members are also eligible for re-election.


Sought profiles

Directors play an essential role in the development and sustainability of CRCD. In addition to their personal obligations and responsibilities, they must possess, individually or collectively, several skills related to CRCD's business sectors.

Access the collective profile

Given the importance of the position, the board of firectors considers that it has the responsibility to identify candidates who can make a significant contribution to the achievement of CRCD's mission and strategic objectives, while ensuring broad mix of expertise, experiences, skills and genders as well as regional representation on the board of directors.

Recommendation of three candidates

The Governance and Human Resources Committee reviews elligible nomination requests and recommends to CRCD three nominees for whom to vote proxies that contain no shareholder voting instructions.

Given the scope of the function and the rules of governance specific to CRCD, candidates for election must detail their skills and experience in their form in order to allow shareholders and the board of directors to assess their candidacy.

When identifying these candidates, the collective profile targeted to promote a diversified composition of the board of directors will be taken into consideration.

Candidate profiles

The list of candidates can be found in the documents sent to shareholders and on this page during the election period(in French only).


Election results will be announced at the meeting and published on this page the days following the meeting.