Exceptions for redeeming shares earlier than 7 years

The minimum holding period for CRCD shares is 7 years. In certain special cases, shares can be redeemed before the eligibility date, for example, if you haven’t been able to claim the tax credit.

Exceptions for redeeming shares earlier than 7 years

The minimum holding period for CRCD shares is 7 years. In certain special cases, shares can be redeemed before the eligibility date, for example, if you haven’t been able to claim the tax credit.

Exceptions for redeeming shares

The minimum holding period for shares of CRCD is 7 years. However, in certain exceptional cases, you may request that your shares be redeemed or purchased by agreement by CRCD before the redemption eligibility date.

To do this, you must show proof that you meet the requirements for the exception you are requesting.


Must have acquired the share or fractional share from CRCD.

The request for redemption must be signed by the shareholder and addressed to CRCD within 30 days of the subscription date.


Proof required



Must have subscribed for shares without being entitled to the tax credit in respect of such shares, provided that the shareholder’s spouse has not benefited from the transfer of the unused portion of the tax credit with respect to buying the shares.


Proof required and comments

Copy of Québec income tax return and notice of assessment or other document issued by Revenu Québec indicating the value of tax credit granted to the shareholder for the year in which the shares were purchaesd.


In the event that the shareholder had a spouse at the end of the year in which the shares were purchased, the notice of assessment or other document issued by Revenu Québec indicating the unused portion of the shareholder’s tax credits which has been used to reduce the spouse’s income tax payable for the year.


The request to redeem shares must be made to CRCD.


Proof required

Proof of death of the shareholder (attestation of death by a physician, or death certificate from a funeral director or copy of the act of death issued by the government).


Original or true copy (certified photocopy) of the will (will search and probate may be required) or marriage contract if it contains a testamentary provision or, failing the above documents, a sworn declaration of transmission by death.


Must have become disabled after the shares were issued.

If the shareholder is under 60:
Must be regularly incapable of holding any substantially gainful occupation.

If the shareholder is 60 or over:
Must be regularly incapable of pursuing the substantially gainful occupation held at the time the shareholder ceased working owing to the disability.

The request to redeem shares must be made to CRCD.


Proof required

Proof of substantially gainful occupation held.


Notice of acceptance as disabled contributor by the Régie des rentes du Québec.


Declaration signed by the shareholder and the shareholder’s physician regarding the shareholder’s severe and permanent disability.


Must have emigrated permanently from Canada.


Proof required

Visa or immigration certificate for another country.


Copy of lease or deed of purchase of a residence outside Canada or proof of employment in another country.


Must be suffering from a terminal illness.


Proof required

Confirmation from attending physician.


To pay an extraordinary and unforeseen expense required for the health of the shareholder or one of their dependants.


To replace essential property destroyed or damaged du to a loss event and for which the shareholder has received no compensation.



Must be in an urgent need of cash.


Must have sold other liquid investments (the sale of the shares being a last resort).


In the case of an extraordinary and unforeseen expense, must have incurred it for the health of the shareholder or one of their dependents.

In the case of replacement of essential property, must have suffered a loss event that destroyed or damaged the property.


Proof required and comments

Declaration proving the financial situation of the shareholder and, if applicable, of their spouse (family income, expense and net worth).


Proof that liquid investments have been sold.


In the case of an extraordinary expense, proof of the expense and proof of its unforeseen nature and that it is required for the health of the shareholder or, as applicable, for the health of any of their dependants. In the case of replacement of essential property, proof of the loss, the essential nature of the property and the absence of compensation.


Making a request to redeem shares earlier than 7 years

All requests for exceptions must include all relevant proof and documents and be addressed to CRCD in writing at the following address:

Capital régional et coopératif Desjardins
2 Complexe Desjardins
P.O. Box 760, Desjardins Station
Montréal, Québec H5B 1B8

Or by email:

How long does it take to redeem shares under an exception?

If the request is accepted, the delay for redeeming shares is generally no more than 30 days after receipt of all of the required documents.